This little 14 day old gave me a run for my money! He did not want to sleep. Luckily he was pretty happy being awake. He would lay there looking around and being happy as a clam. Finally we got him to sleep and I worked away getting some really cute shots of him.
This first pose I had in my head and was waiting for a cute little boy to use it on! I found these glasses in my girls' dress up box. Not sure where they came from?! haha Then whipped up this little hat the day before to use. It fit perfectly and I just love the outcome!
And this little guy is brother. Seriously look at those locks. He has the cutest hair! And the same little adorable cheeks!
Pilar, I had a fantastic time spending the morning with you and your boys! Thank you so much, Dominic and Johnathan are absolutely adorable.
Where did you get the pattern for the top gun hat?